About Mrs. Langdon

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Welcome! New year, new way of doing things...

 Welcome to the new school year! 


I am excited to meet all of you and help create another year of learning and growth for your students.    With this new school year, we have many changes that make our learning different and perhaps a bit more difficult.  But even with this situation we find ourselves in, my hope is that we can grow more resilient and overcome our challenges and learn how to connect and learn in many new ways.

In the spring when the Coronavirus first reeked its ugly head, I was in the middle of teaching my 20th year with the Mendon-Upton School District.  While I have experienced many ups and downs during my career here,  in the way of budget cuts and the moving of my position within the district, I can honestly say that I never could have imagined or predicted being thrown into remote teaching and discovering how to connect and teach students through Zoom.  While it feels more difficult, it can be done!  Unfortunately, it requires even more stamina and discipline from our students than what might be needed had they been in school learning.  I have witnessed students that normally struggle with the in-person learning model suddenly be less distracted and more productive.  On the flip side, I have seen normally engaged students in-person become distant and less engaged.  As a parent of both types of students mentioned, I know that it required more hands on for me to manage and connect with them and to make sure they kept their boats afloat.  Please keep me in the loop as I know first-hand how tricky this is on your end as a parent.  I am here to help and know that working together is our best course of action.

The schedule for our students will be a block schedule and it is at this Link.  I have found that printing it and keeping it handy may help many students because it is more tangible and can be referred to easily as needed.

Your student will also be using Google Classroom for each of their classes.   Teachers will be posting all assignments and necessary announcements to their Google Classroom page.

Another suggestion as we get closer to starting school is to help your student create spaces  for their learning.  A desk is a great choice, but even setting up a regular space at the kitchen table or somewhere they can go to daily where all their supplies are located and it is their "school" spot.  Some students might want multiple spots to change up their environment.  This will create the habits necessary for their remote learning to set off on the right path.  Here is a link  to the supply list put out by Miscoe Hill.  Please refer to the 7th Grade Supply page.

I hope you consider me part of your team to help move your student to greater maturity as a student and make their 7th grade year a success.  Contact me through email:  hlangdon@mursd.org with any questions or concerns.