About Mrs. Langdon

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


My name is Heather Langdon, your seventh grader’s Social Studies teacher. My classroom is in the green hallway of Miscoe, room 433.  It is down the main hallway, take a right,  up the ramp and all the way down.  My classroom is the second to last room on the right. 

I have been working in the Mendon Upton School District for 21 years, and I consider it home.  Both of my two sons enjoy school here, and my family is invested in the town and the schools for the lofty goal of bringing up highly educated, creative and innovative thinkers for our world. I know how special my position is as a teacher, and I hope that my work with your child inspires them to be the best they can be.  I hope we can work together to do this!

This is a simple introduction to establish communication with you,  as I believe it is a major part of the success of your child’s learning.  If you would like to know more about me, please use the about me link above.  Throughout the year, I will be using email as a means to contact you, and I would like you to also feel no hesitation to contact me throughout the school year with concerns or questions so that your child will have a successful and happy seventh-grade year.  In many cases,  I have put down two email addresses for some families.  If you would like your name taken off the email list, please let me know, and I will take you off.

Another means of communication is the use of a Google Classroom.  Our district has used this platform for several years now with great success, and it will be used this year for all of my classes.  Students can join our Green Team Google Classroom which will be our team community where information will be shared and homework and other announcements will be there as well.  Once your student joins, you will be able to receive daily summaries to see the announcements as well.  The code is 057d599.

I look forward to meeting you all at Open House!   

Keep enjoying the summer :)